- Submit application
- First screening
- Second screening
- Qualification screening
- Announcement of successful applicants
- Training
- Service activities abroad (for two years)

- Submit documents (country for dispatch and organization selection)
- Qualification and document screening
- Interview and announcement
- Training
- Serve as a KIV member

- Short Term/ Application to head office abroad by university president청
- Application submitted
- Application received
- Check application result
- Announcement of successful candidates

- Selection and recommendation by each university
- Review by PAS
- Final selection
- Team organization
- Perform as PAS volunteer

- Submit application (fill out prescribed form in website)
- Document screening
- Interview and foreign language test
- Physical examination, background check, credit check
- Perform as Techno Peace Corps member

- Discover need(positions) in developing countries
- Review and confirm need(positions) for volunteers
- Expert recruitment notice/scoring
- Selection committee meeting(document screening/ interview)
- Physical examination
- Consent to dispatch to developing countries
- Confirm dispatch/training
- Dispatch to respective countries
- Advisors return to Korea/extend contract
- Report results (document screening/ interview) meeting of experts returning to Korea/ seminar to share performances

- Volunteer recruitment and selection training in Korea
- Select countries for team dispatch
- Starting ceremony
- Dispatch volunteers and support their activities
- Disbanding ceremony and reporting of results

- Submit application on website
- First screening
- Second screening
- Qualification screening
- Announcement of successful applicants
- Training
- Serve abroad (Min. 6 months~Max. 1 year)